Exclusive Photos: Meet Miss Noblin Ngozi Ogbonna

We had a chance to get this exclusive article about Noblin Ngozi Ogbonna, the Miss Igbo America 2016-17 who is also one of the ambassadors for Numatville (Nigerian Unity Museum Trade & Tourism Village ) alongside other African celebrities.

While reading through, you will discover that she has a very interesting but normal life.

Noblin Ngozi Ogbonna is 22 years of age. She’s a young and vibrant lady who has great passion in exploring interesting facts about life. Her father is from Abia while her mother is from Imo state. Ngozi was born and raised in Nigeria, attended elementary and high school in Nigeria; then relocated to the US at the age 17.

See more stunning pictures after the cut.....

When she relocated to the US, she started the educational aspect of her life at Community College of Baltimore County Maryland USA where she graduated with an Honor in Biological Sciences. When she was at Community College of Baltimore County Maryland USA, she was the president of an Intercultural Dialogue club, which provided her with opportunities of making presentations/talking about her country (Nigeria) and culture, which she still does.

This opportunity was/is always provided by professors who want their students, especially American students to learn and have knowledge about countries in Africa and other countries around the world besides the USA. Talking or making presentations about hercountry is what Ngozidoes with so much happiness, which has given her a name in the school as the Nigeria advocator. She was also one of the Delegates in Student Government Association. With the delegate position and the position as the president of the Intercultural Dialogue in Community College of Baltimore County Maryland USA, she was advocating and representing International Students that attends Community College of Baltimore County Maryland USA.

Noblin Ngozi didn’t stop at acquiring an Associate Degree in Community College of Baltimore County Maryland USA as she believed this was a stepping stone to so many dreams of her life, Ngozi went further to transfer into a 4 year college (University of Maryland Baltimore County Maryland USA), where she majored in Biological Science with a track in Pre-medicine and minored in Psychology. She graduated from University of Maryland Baltimore County Maryland USA with Honors in Biological Sciences with a track in Pre-medicine and Psychology.

Ngozi is heading to the greatest peak of educational aspect of her life, which is attending Medical School to become a Medical doctor. She has a great passion for medicine and as such she’s working on a research on Breast Cancer in Nigeria women, which she started when she noticed the trending death of Nigeria women in Diaspora and in Nigeria, which majority of the time is caused by cervical cancer or the big one- breast cancer. From her ongoing research, she discovered so much that she would love to share with Nigerian/African women home and abroad. Ngozi will be kicking off another research in September 2016, which she will be working on Behavioral medicine particularly targeting minority black women in underserving communities. 

Noblin Ngozi doesn’t only have passion for medicine or science; she also has passion for arts. Ngozi is an actor, a print model, writer and an entrepreneur. She has featured in America TV series/shows, such as in Investigation Discovery show (ID), extra speaking role in House of Cards, Outrage and other films as an extra. When it comes to modeling, she has featured in an Angelz Nation Magazine, Baltimore Youth Magazine, IMTA Magazine; she has done some promotions, such as being one of the models to host the 140th Preakness held in Baltimore Maryland USA, she has also featured in Kira’s Kouture Fashion show, Runway J’Dore clothing line, and also as a guest appearance on Today Show. With this being said Ngozi has been in the acting and modeling world since 2013 alongside her education. She is also the ambassador of Angelz Nation Africa- an America modeling and career agency that recruits African models and talents. She also has her own bakery business, which deals in Nigeria snacks.

As the daughter of the soil and with her great knowledge of Igbo culture and traditions she got into the Ms. Igbo America pageant and Noblin Ngozi won. She’s currently and the first ever Ms. Igbo America, with her new title as the Ms. Igbo America and her new position as the Igbo cultural ambassador in America, Noblin Ngozi has promised to make a positive impact in the Igbo community during her tenure and after her tenure as the Ms. Igbo America, which she has started by establishing an Igbo Institution in Baltimore Maryland USA. She’s the CEO/Founder of Igbo Amaka Institute for Young Adults and Professionals in America, which is an establishment that focuses in uplifting Igbo culture in America and the world at large by creating awareness and teaching the young adults and adults Igbo culture, especially the Igbo language.

As an aspiring and future Medical Doctor, Ngozi has a great passion of contributing to the health care system in Nigeria; this she has started by initiating a Medical Mission in Nigeria. She’s organizing alongside the organization that organized the Ms. Igbo America pageant that she won a Medical Mission in one of the Igbo speaking states in Nigeria, which they will be embarking in January 2017. Ngozi has started promoting for donations and fund raising for the Medical Mission in Nigeria as this is so dear to her heart. In this Medical Mission, she plans to create awareness concerning life-threatening diseases, especially breast cancer and other life-threatening diseases, which are not considered life-threatening because of inadequate or lack of knowledge. Noblin Ngozi plans to practice medicine in Nigeria as well as in the USA after acquiring her Medical Degree. Ngozi is fighting so hard to make sure that the Igbo culture, especially the Igbo language doesn’t go on an exile.

--Photo Credits: Ryan Baptiste

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